Berrysburg Community Center
Wow...a WARM  welcome, FULL HOUSE, and a really ROCKIN' GOOD TIME!

Berrysburg Mifflin Twp. Fundraiser for various community organizations

Before we get into all the dance and fun pics, the band would like to thank SO many people.  Jeff, Craig, and Marlin hired and met us on arrival.  Such a warm welcome by them and EVERYONE

The raffle ladies, cooks, and we mean EVERYONE involved with this wonderful event gave us the most warm and down-home country welcome!   THANK YOU SO MUCH!

We loved all the smiles!

Got ya!
Couple more THANK YOU's for the many GREAT pictures - THANK YOU Judy & Debbie

Overcast cloudy but a beautiful ride down to Berrysburg

Great to see some of the old Millersburg Moose Gang!

Beautiful church in Berrysburg!

Dave always loves to see his cousin' Jane (Dave's left) and her friend Peg!

Schrampie carries a small mic filter around for fun!

Click the door to see what's behind it!!

What's this?

The horse is trying to figure out what Schrampie is

Stick and Jess named him "Chestnut"

Bite em Chestnut!

Down the hatch!

Cool Effect Deb!

A Lucky Toast!

A toast to ole friends!

Wait till the wife sees this one Craig...LOL

Get off your phone and get to work lug!!

THANK YOU "Berrysburg-Mifflin Township Committee"

The band had such an awesome time because of the warm welcome, fun, and the kindness you showed to us!!






Send Dave and the band an email and say hello....

We'd love to hear from you!