Richfield's Dutch Days
Richfield Dutch Days celebrates their 56th anniversary with the culture and heritage of Richfield with crafts, food, and great live entertainment by... the Lucky Afternoon Band

A Warm Summer Evening and a
BIG Crowd!!

The Lucky Afternoon Band (a Snyder County-based band) always receives a warm welcome from our neighbors of the Richfield Community - such friendly people!

We pulled in...

...and greeting by our friend and Dutch Days MC Dan Martin!

Pastor Tammy gave the opening night prayer

Young Love

Dan doing what he does best!!!
A SUPER BIG THANKS to Dave and Grace Knapp for all the photos and to our friend Brian Fisher for running sound, roadie work, and taking pictures for the band...

GREAT JOB on the board Brian!


"I think the Lucky Afternoon Band is over there!!!"

And there it is...

Airborne again...!!!

Thank you teleprompter girl...!!!  LOL

The crowd was ready for the second show!

Did someone say chicken sandwich and other great food?
Sights and sounds of Dutch Days

Mr. Knapp downing a sausage sandwich!

Command Central run by our buddy BJ and the ladies!
Super nice people!

Oh No...Major downpours AFTER the last show!

Attention: Our sound man is soaked to the gills...
Lucky Afternoon had a wonderful time performing.  Everyone was so friendly and gave us a Richfield Dutch Days warm, down-home welcome! 

Send Dave and the band an e-mail and say hello....

We'd love to hear from you!