Millersburg 4th of July Fireworks Celebration
This festival is a result of the Millersburg community coming together to celebrate the birth of our nation!

A Beautiful Evening with....

A BIG Crowd

Great Food

The Lucky Afternoon Band

And Fireworks to end the perfect summer evening!!!

Heading down into the Millersburg Valley...

We first run into our friend Denny Williams!

Williams' Fries... THE BEST

The Lucky Afternoon Band would like to thank our sponsor - Williams' Enterprises

Williams Catering - Provides complete professional catering and event planning for any type of event.

 Williams Concessions - Offers our Legendary Fresh-Cut Williams French Fries or our full service menu at your local sporting event, school fair, festival, parade or any other special event.

Williams Catering Corner - Located in Millersburg, Pa, is a great place for small gatherings such as Local Meetings, Class Reunions, Funeral Dinners, and Parties.

Williams French Fries
- Located on the Square in Millersburg, PA.

Denny's Lennies Restaurant - This historical restaurant located in Halifax, PA has the best in casual dining with delicious daily local features, hand-cut steaks, seafood and pasta dishes.

Always a friendly smile at Williams'....

...and they are eager to wait on you!  LOL

And great tasting sausage sandwiches!

Schrampie and Dave enjoying those sausage sandwiches!!

Look at all these smiles!

Dave caught his ole buddy Denny by surprise!

For more information about all Williams' Services, click
A special proclamation / Presentation for retiring Ferry Boat Captain Donald Lebo after 27 years of service and dedication.

Borough Council Chris Dietz makes the proclamation!

Melanie and Sue deliver their part of the presentation

Chairman of the Millersburg Ferry Boat Association Michael Maiden honoring Don

Proclamations from Pennsylvania Senator John DiSanto's office as well as Congressman Lou Barletta's office were read and presented to Don Lebo

They lined up to honor Don

Pleasure meeting Board Member Lauren

Don's family present to support him!

Congratulations Don on a job well done for so many years!

To learn more about the Millersburg Ferry Boat Association, click or
go to:


Facebook Page

Each year, the Mid Penn Bank generously gives back to the community and sponsors the beautiful fireworks.

Mid Penn Bank is proud to continue their sponsorship of Millersburg's salute to America.  As a true community bank since 1868, Mid Penn Bank understands the best way to do business is by serving the community and treating people the way they like to be treated.

Thank You Mid Penn Bank for the terrific Fireworks for all to enjoy!!

The friendly, smiling crew at Mid Penn Bank
For more information and your banking needs:

A special shout out to Papa's Kettle Korn... THANK YOU!!

The Kettle Korn and Lemonade tasted GREAT!!

A beautiful evening at Riverfront Park

Mmmm... Ice Cream!

Inky leaving her office

These ladies drinks were literally smokin'

More and more people kept comin'

Lucky Afternoon Band fans come in all ages

And families enjoy watching a Lucky Afternoon show too!

Big birds were enjoying the music too

These ladies were born on the 4th of July

They're lining up!

Lot's of folks walking by stopping to enjoy a little music

Just a couple of clouds... no threat of rain!

The band was assaulted by an army of June bugs, millers, night flies,  gilly whoppers, and other flying critters!!!

It's firework time!
Click Here to open a recorded short of the fireworks

Thank You Williams'  Catering (Denny) and
Mid Penn Bank







Click the envelope to send Dave an e-mail and say hello....

We'd love to hear from you!