Montgomery Fireman's Carnival

WOW......BIG Crowd...Thank you everyone!!
Before all the pictures....  it's not about the band...
About the Montgomery Volunteer Fire Department...

“Our mission is to answer the communities call for help when they call, every time they call.”

The Montgomery Volunteer Fire Department was established in 1892. Since then the organization has grown from a social club that fought fires to a professional department that provides fire protection, emergency medical and rescue services.

A Fireman's Prayer He stares in the face of death, without a second thought to save that one special life, that he so bravely sought

He has walked as close to "hell on earth," as any man could do and he's so proud of the job he did, for people he never knew He puts his life on the line, every time duty calls always doing what needs to done, without even a pause

He is a fireman with overwhelming pride never afraid to take a chance. When saving someone’s life often he says, "it's my job"   But we really know that he is very special, and always ready to go

So when you hear the sirens wail, or see the flashing lights stand aside and look with pride, he's going to save a life. 

The Montgomery Volunteer Fire Department volunteers do their part to raise funds, fight fires, protect your property, and risk their lives to save yours.... and don't get paid... they are unselfish, community minded men and women who serve the community in crisis. The next time they have a fund raiser, please support them... they're out supporting you. For more information click:
Montgomery Volunteer Fire Department

The next life they save could be yours!

Equipment isn't your local fire companies when they have fund raisers!!
Below are just some of the unselfish fire department volunteers doing their part for the community.  Some of these volunteers are fire fighters while others are good citizens volunteering their time at the carnival to help raise funds for the fire department.  The community thanks and appreciates you!!!

Tony and Neil...great guys and the brains of the operation!!

GirlVentures helping to raise money for the fire company

The community volunteers come together to help raise funds

The chefs were on fire making great tasting food!

Nice lady - up close and personal

The Boss!!

Here's a ride you DON'T want...

...but the Montgomery Volunteer Fire Dept will get there!

Great laughs with Nancy and Neil

Great crew giving to the community... THANK YOU!!!
Fire Police will control the flow of traffic to ensure emergency vehicles have a quick, safe entrance and egress to the incident. They may halt traffic, block a road or detour you in another direction, because of the situation and the dangers involved.

We thank you too!!
The Lucky Afternoon Band and the entire community thanks and appreciates ALL of you fire fighters, fire police, and volunteers!!

Nice drive to Montgomery... hope it don't rain...

...and it didn't...!!!


The dancing started right away!

Yes, he plays bass and trumpet at the same time!

Music touches the soul at all ages...

We love seeing kids enjoying the music!!

The carnival was booming!!

The Warrior Run Fire Department representatives

Our poor Lucky Fan put on a leash...
I hope she doesn't tie him outside!!

Dave loves selfies with friends!!

And now, the star of the show... Sue????

"Hi sisters!!  Can I borrow your car?"

Great to see the US Army Guard represented!!
Hope you recruit many young men and women

Thanks for pictures Judy!!  (our cruising friend)

Our friend Deb (in black) catching some pics for us

...and Jaydin joins us for a little Tequila! (not the drink)

He's got the moves!

Band members on "TRIPLE" secret probation!

"My two boys on the left!"

And there it is...

Dave and Grace snapping pics for us all night!

 Thanks guys!!

And the dancing continued...

...well  into the night!
Montgomery Volunteer Fire Dept...

Thank You for what you do for the community and making Lucky Afternoon part of your

We'll CYA Next Year Friday, May 16th, 2025

Send Dave and the band an e-mail and say hello....

We'd love to hear from you!